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Planning Board Minutes 04/18/06
Minutes of Meeting— April 18, 2006

The Hudson Planning Board met at the Town Hall, 78 Main Street, Hudson, Massachusetts.  
At 7:30 p.m., Chairman Robert D’Amelio called the meeting to order.
Present:        Dirk Underwood, Tom Collins, Rodney Frias, Robert D’Amelio and Town Planner, Jennifer Burke

Planner’s Report

Hillside Retirement Community
The Board is in receipt of a letter and modified plan from Thorndike Development.  The Board feels that the changes are minor in nature and they will provide for improved traffic flow and better site conditions.

Robert D’Amelio, seconded by Dirk Underwood, moved to accept the changes to the Hillside Retirement Community site plan as shown on the plan entitled “ Minor Modifications to the Site Plan in Hudson, MA Technology Drive Hillside Retirement Community” as drawn by Cubellis Associates Inc. dated June 21, 2005 last revised March 29, 2006 as minor modifications with no further action required by the Planning Board.

Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous

24 Coolidge Street – Site Plan Review Cont.
Present was:    Gerald Buzanoski, Ducharme & Dillis
                Brian Lafferty, Empire management Corp.

Rodney Frias rescued himself.

The Board review SEA’s letter.  Al Wells indicated that all items were OK. The applicant, the Board and Al Wells, SEA Consultant, had a general discussion regarding planting and lighting. The applicant has positioned the lighting 80’ apart and aimed inward on property and away from abutters. The applicant told the Board that there is an option to add shields if a problem occurs with lighting and if abutters complain about lighting. Al Wells and the applicant discussed the storm water and retaining wall. Mr. Wells had reviewed the storm water and feels the changes are fine. The retaining wall will be designed and submitted to the building inspector.

The Applicant had reviewed the conditions and had a couple minor changes.  The Board would like the Town Planner to review the barrier referred to in condition #9.

Tom Collins, seconded by Dirk Underwood, moved to approve the site plan for 24 Coolidge Street entitled “Site Plan of Land in Hudson, MA – 24 Coolidge Street for Colonial Dodge” as drawn by Ducharme and Dillis of Bolton, MA, dated June 20, 2005 last revised April 18, 2006 with the following conditions:

A list of 24-hour emergency contact information must be provided to the Town Planner and the DPW prior to any work being done on site.

Hours of construction will be Monday through Saturday 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.  No work or operation of machinery may happen before 7:00 a.m., in accordance with the town’s noise by-law or after 5:00 p.m.  Per the Massachusetts General Laws, work on Sundays and holidays need to be permitted on a case by case basis by the Chief of Police.

Prior to the commencement of authorized site activity, the Planning Board Office shall be given 48 hours written notice.  If the activity at the Project Site ceases for longer than 30 days, 48 hour written notice shall be given to the Planning Board Office prior to restarting work.

A copy of the conditions and all final approved Plans shall be kept at the Project Site.

Members or agents of the Planning Board shall have the right to enter the Project Site and to gather all information, measurements, photographs or other materials needed to ensure compliance with this approval.  Members or agents of the Planning Board entering onto the Project Site for these purposes shall comply with all safety rules, Regulations and directives of the Applicant and the Applicant’s contractors.

The Planning Board’s erosion control plan as attached shall be adhered to and govern.  All erosion control shall be in place and approved by the Town Planner before construction begins.  Weekly erosion control reports shall be submitted to the DPW and the Planning Department no later than noontime on Fridays.

A final occupancy permit shall not be issued until an as-built plan indicating lot grading and drainage system BMP’s has been confirmed to be consistent with the approved plans to the Town Planner’s reasonable satisfaction.

Additional signs will be added to the internal drive and on Coolidge Street to direct traffic and identify the correct traffic pattern.

A physical barrier approved by the Town Planner to prevent cars being parked on Town property will be installed along the property line prior to the start of any work.

The installation of the water line is subject to field inspection by the DPW.

And Authorize the Agent to sign.

Vote: 3-0-0, Unanimous

Rodney Frias returned to the Board

400/404 Main Street – Site Plan Review
Present was:    Steve Poole, Consolidated Design Group

Mr. Poole presented the site plan to the Board.  Two homes exist on the site and the plan calls to demolish the house at 400 Main Street, remodel 404 Main Street and combine the two lots together. 9 townhouse condos will be constructed. He told the Board that he will be going before the ZBA for a special permit to construct multi family housing and because he is short the minimum lot requirement per unit.

Mr. Poole explained that the plan calls for a 30’ road.  The plan calls for a sidewalk as well as a walkway to a playground that will be built on the site. It will connect to Town water, sewer, and gas and have onsite drainage. Parking is within regulations.   All ITC items have been addressed.

Greg Turner, 386 Main Street, expressed concern over the tree buffer. The applicant responded by stating that the buffer of trees will remain due to the repositioning of the house. The plan also now has less grading.

Mr. Underwood questioned the trash pickup and was told by the applicant that the owners of the condos will be responsible for their own trash pickup. Ms. Burke discussed the public access road changes that will allow for emergency access. Mr. Underwood asked about manhole clean out. The applicant replied that management will be responsible. Mr. D’Amelio questioned the infiltration systems; the drainage and catch basins and whether they were sufficient in catching water. The applicant replied that they are currently being tested. Mr. Underwood asked if the Fire Chief was okay with not having a turn around and Mr. Poole replied that the units will each have a sprinkler system and there is adequate pavement and driveway width for the Fire Chief. Mr. D’Amelio discussed the trees and wanted to make it clear that the public present understood that the only trees that would remain were the trees along the property line and stone wall. The Board will ask SEA to review the plan. Ms. Burke requested a $2,500.00 check and complete package to be submitted.  

Tom Collins, seconded by Dirk Underwood, moved to continue the public hearing for 400/404 Main Street to May 16, 2006 at 7:45pm.

Vote: 4-0-0, unanimous

Quinn Estates – Definitive Subdivision Review cont.
Present was:    Steve Poole, Consolidated Design Group

Mr. Poole updated the Board with the final plan and the review by the Conservation Commission. Per the request of the Conservation Commission, a change in the driveway and where it crossed was made. The drive consists of an 18’ wide gravel surface. The houses will have sprinkler systems. Mr. Frias questioned not having a cul-de-sac and the applicant replied that he was seeking a waiver of the cul-de-sac from the Board. Mr. Wells had reviewed the plans for storm water and the 18’ gravel driveway.  He found no issues.

Rodney Frias, seconded by Tom Collins, moved to approve the Definitive Subdivision Plan entitled “Definitive Subdivision Plan of Quinn Estates Located in Hudson, MA” as drawn by Consolidated Design Group, Inc. dated April 4, 2004, last revised April 4, 2006 with the following conditions:

A pre-construction conference will be held between the developer, the Town Planner, the DPW and other interested parties. If construction begins without this conference construction will cease immediately until the conference is held and the appropriate people are in attendance.

A copy of the SWPPP must be provided to the Town Planner and the DPW at the pre-construction conference.

A list of 24-hour emergency contact information must be provided to the Town Planner and the DPW at the pre-construction conference.

Hours of operation will be Monday through Saturday 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.  No work or operation of machinery may happen before 7:00 a.m., in accordance with the town’s noise by-law or after 5:00 p.m.  Per the Massachusetts General Laws, work on Sundays and holidays need to be permitted on a case by case basis by the Chief of Police.

Prior to the commencement of authorized site activity, the Planning Board Office shall be given 48 hours written notice.  If the activity at the Project Site ceases for longer than 30 days, 48 hour written notice shall be given to the Planning Board Office prior to restarting work.

A copy of this Decision and all final approved Plans shall be kept at the Project Site.

Members or agents of the Planning Board shall have the right to enter the Project Site and to gather all information, measurements, photographs or other materials needed to ensure compliance with this approval.  Members or agents of the Planning Board entering onto the Project Site for these purposes shall comply with all safety rules, Regulations and directives of the Applicant and the Applicant’s contractors.

The Planning Board’s erosion control plan as attached shall be adhered to and govern.  All erosion control shall be in place and approved by the Town Planner before construction begins.  Weekly erosion control reports shall be submitted to the DPW and the Planning Department no later than noontime on Fridays.

If, during construction, a discrepancy is found between the approved plans and the existing regulations, the DPW and the Town Planner will be notified immediately. The DPW will make the final decision on how to proceed or if they are unable to make any decision the matter will be referred back to the Planning Board for review.

Inspections shall be in accordance with the Town of Hudson Rules and Regulations, which allows the Planning Board to use a full time inspector to be paid by the developer.  At this time, the DPW will handle the inspections on their own schedule.  The Board reserves the right to require full time inspections if in the opinion of the Board they become necessary.

Once the first house is occupied, the roadway will be swept every Friday afternoon until the road is accepted by town meeting, unless waived in writing by the DPW with a copy to the Planning Board.

The subdivision will be completed within two years of approval.  Prior to expiration, a developer may ask for a one-year extension of time to complete the subdivision.  If the Board determines that a one-year extension is warranted, it will also review the bond amount and adjust for inflation. Extension requests after expiration will not be looked upon favorably.  If no extension is granted and the two years expires, then the subdivision will be in default and the approval will be withdrawn.

No building permits will be issued until a lot grading plan prepared by a qualified Professional Engineer familiar with the original subdivision design and showing that the lot is graded in accordance with the approved subdivision plan is reviewed and approved by the DPW and the Town Planner and no occupancy permits will be given until an as built plan of said lot grading and drainage system BMP’s has been accepted and approved by the Town Planner.

The width of the proposed gravel driveway must be 18 feet.  Material and construction methods used in the construction of this driveway must be reviewed and approved by the Fire Chief to ensure adequacy in supporting the weight of Hudson’s fire apparatus.

All drives must be maintained in a passable manner at all times including snow and wet conditions where erosion/mud mat be a problem.

A permanent marker must be placed in a visible location to identify the house numbers.

The house on Lot #2 must be equipped with a fire suppression sprinkler system.

The roadway and infrastructure must be constructed to Town standards existing at the time of sale prior to the sale of any lots to persons not blood related to the Applicant.

And grant the following waivers: Environmental Impact Statement
        No EIS is required.

4.0     Design Standards*

5.0     Required Improvements for an Approved Subdivision*

*The requirements of sections 4 & 5 will be waived in their entirety and the proposed roadway will be an unconstructed private way with a covenant
restricting the division of land to two building lots total without construction of the roadway in accordance with these sections, as shown on the “Alternative Design Plan”.

Vote: 3-0-1, Robert D’Amelio abstaining


Dirk Underwood, seconded by Tom Collins, moved to adjourn at 8:15pm.

Vote: 4-0-0, Unanimous

Cc:     Town Clerk
Department of Public Works
Jeff Wood, Building Commissioner